【一级】曲目([GRADE ONE]):
凤翔歌(A Song of Hovering Phoenix)、穿花蜂(Bees Flying in the Flowers)、老六板(Old Six-Tempo)、龙船谣(Ballad of Dragon Boat)、浪淘沙(The wave washes the sand)、十杯酒(Ten glasses of wine)等
【二级】曲目([GRADE TWO]):
上楼(Walk Up the Stairs )、小鸟朝凤(Birds Worship The Phoenix)、一点红(A dot of Red)、开扇窗(Open A Window)、银纽丝( Twisted Silver Wire )、小开手(Small Open Hand)等
【三级】曲目([GRADE THREE]):
三十三板(Thirty-three Tempo)、灯月交辉(Light and Moon Mutually Reflect with Eath Other)、一点金(A Dot of Gold)、西厢词(A Love Song of West Wing-House)、剪靛花(Flower Shaped by Paper-cutting )、洋娃娃与小熊跳舞(Dolls Dances with Bear)等
【四级】曲目([GRADE FOUR]):
渔舟唱晚(The Fishing-Boat Man Singing at Dusk)、风摆翠竹(Green Bamboo Swaying in the Wind )、小飞舞(Flying a Little While )、倒骑驴(Rides a Donkey Backward)、锦上花(Add Flowers to The Brocade )、妆台秋思(Autumn Muse Over Dressing Table)等
【五级】曲目([GRADE FIVE]):
高山流水(浙江筝曲)(The Lofty Mountains and Running River)、河南八板(Henan Eight Tempo)、莺啭黄鹂(The Golden Oriole is Singing)、秋思曲(Meditation in Autumn )、昭君怨(The Grievance of Zhaojun)、小霓裳曲(Rainbow-Color Garment)、山丹丹开花红艳艳(Red Flowers Bloom All Over the Mountain)等
【六级】曲目([GRADE SIX]):
花流水(Flowing Water with Flowers)、云庆(YunQing)、出水莲(The Lotus is in Blossom above the Water)、大八板(Eight Tempo)、苏武思乡(The Nostalgia of Su Wu)、梅花三弄(Three Movements of Plum Blossom)等
【七级】曲目([GRADE SEVEN]):
寒鸦戏水(The Jackdaw Playing with Water)、汉宫秋月(An Autumn Moon Shedding Light on the Palace of Han Dynasty)、蕉窗夜雨(Night Rains Struck the Banana Leaves Outside Window )、打雁(The Wild Goose Hunting)等
【八级】曲目([GRADE EIGHT]):
将军令(An Army Order lssued from the General )、思凡(The Nun Has a Longing for Love)、崖山哀(A Lamentation on the Cliffy Mountain)、陈杏元落院(Chen Xingyuan Happened to Fall in a Garden)、广陵散(A Song of Guangling)、蝶恋花(Butterflies Are Reluctant to Part with Flowers)等
【九级】曲目([GRADE NINE]):
高山流水(山东筝曲)(Lofty Mountains and Flowing Water)、四合如意(Everything As Its Wishes)、海青拿鹤(The Vulture Snatched a Crane)、陈杏元和番(Chen Xingyuan is Married to a King of Tujue)、庆丰年(A Celebration of Bumper Year)等
【十级】曲目([GRADE TEN]):
秋夜思(Muses at Autumn Night)、花篮谣(Ballad of Bossom Basket )、柳青娘(活五调)(The Maid Liu Qingniang)、汉江韵(The Rhyme of Han River )、林冲夜奔(A Midnight Escaping of Lin Chung)等